Well, the Children's school auction was a success and I'm happy to say that my paintings did well. If only I could make that much money when I get to keep it!
I've been waiting for these professional photography lights that I ordered so I can FINALLY get good lighting and take better photos of my art. Unfortunately, after I had set up everything in my studio for picture taking, I realized that one of the light sockets wasn't working, so I had to return them yesterday. I promise I will get better pictures of my art and stop apologizing about the quality of my photos.
I have got my website up and running! It still needs a little work, but eventually, my blog will switch to that address.
Here it is! [drum roll]
art-by-erinThanks to my friend, Kat, for setting it up. I gave her pieces of a drum set that I had as payment.
In other news, I also set up my etsy shop!
art by erin the great.This needs some work too, but I have some ideas that you might want to tell me is crap or brilliant. I wanted to sell my gnomes on there.
1) do you think that $10 is the right price for adorable gnomes?
2) I was thinking of doing custom acrylic animal portraits on velvet. This example was a gift for a wedding present.

3) Acrylic family portraits using the birds of a feather idea, this example is a detail from the painting I did for the Chilren's School:

4) customized water color/ink nursery rhymes like I did for Extreme Makeover:Home Edition:

5) Of course I would try to sell my regular oil paintings, but the last idea was this: I have a knack for finding 4-leaf clovers. I was thinking about framing them and putting them on my etsy shop.
What do you think about these ideas, peeps? lemme know!
Oh, and here is a cute story about Kiel. She was pushing one of those
popcorn toys around the house. Every once in a while she would scream and cry and I'd run over to see if she was okay. I could not figure out what was upsetting her. Finally, after the 3rd breakdown, I realized that she was terrified of a piece of fuzz stuck on one of the wheels. I had noticed it earlier, but did not think that it would be so scary to a 19 month little girl.