Instead of these pictures just sitting in my studio, facing the wall, I decided to show them off. Hopefully, I can get some feedback and you will enjoy looking at them as well! This is a drawing I made during my long distance relationship with my, then, fiance. size: 11"x 14"
(Given as gift) Mustache on a stick is a favorite image of mine. Two details of this drawing follow:

This is one of the first drawings I made of Atlanta. I spend a lot of time driving around and find some neighborhood trees manicured dramatically to avoid power lines. This can be, to me, sometimes humorous and sometimes very saddening. This is a collage about 30"x 22"
(Given as gift).

I finished this cape this morning for a little boy I nanny. He is turning two soon and I thought he might enjoy being a super hero, like me.

22"x 30" mixed media. I love smooshing together the real image with it's transformed representational image. Here, I painted a pigeon with a sewn pigeon body. This interest started when I was cleaning houses and getting exposed to different types of knickknacks.

Three details:

The self-recycling-song-machine cruising the town. Oil and ink on paper. 30"x 22"

Two details:

This is my most recent painting. Self Portrait, kind of
(Sold). Oil on Canvas 3'x3'.

Three details:

Do you need anything besides a cape in order to be a super hero?
I really love your self portrait painting. I know you've heard this before about paintings, but this one has that feel that parts of it look unfinished. Specifically the leaves on the trees and the border around the central image look washed out, like they blend too much into the background. Where as the tree trunks pop! off the canvas, these other details seem to fade into it. So while the image is lush and fantastical (a word? it is now), it doesn't seem to deliver overall.
You asked for critique, so please don't be mad.
Also, I'd like to see mustache on a stick go on adventures.
Love, A
Erin, I love your self portrait. Thanks for inviting us to your blog. We love ya.
I guess that I could agree that your artwork could seem unfinished. Unlike all other paintings and doodles I've seen that share this trait, when it happens in your creations it is a wonderful thing. A virtue, really. I love your self portrait exactly the way it is.
Same goes for everything else you've made that I've seen.
Hi my cousin Erin! I found your blog on Eric and Julie's. I seriously love your blog and all your artwork. I especially love the pic of you and your husband , you guys are so funny i love it! How are you doing??? I'm adding you to our blog :)
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