Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Just Beyond My Front Door

These are a few images from my children's book. I always talk about it, but never show anything so here is proof that it actually exists. They are drawings on watercolor paper, painted with water color (and oil on some of them).

"I can stroll around the neighborhood and never notice a thing, but if I look, I mean REALLY look, I will notice EVERYTHING.

'It's all just beyond my front door. Do you want to see?"

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Customer Sunshine video

Here is a video I made for our band. It is my first video, so it's really cheesy, but I love it, I hope you enjoy it!

As you can see, it's all photos. I made all of the props and the painting.

J.R. wrote the song, and the band recorded it at WonderRoot Studios.
One of our favorite places in Atlanta.
J.R. entered this song into a contest to play for a skateboarding thingy. We made runner up and celebrated before realizing that he had entered us into a contest for musicians 18 and younger. hee hee. We had to let them know.