Thursday, July 29, 2010

what's been goin' on

I know I haven't posted for a billion years, but I have been working my little tooshie off. I am working on Mr. Mailbox Man, who has appeared in previous paintings,
but this time he has his own story, called "Mr. Mailbox Man Goes to Work". It is almost 40 drawings and I am using a micron pen (my favorite!) and water color. I have made all of the pen drawings and have been working on the water color. My studio looks like an assembly line, the way I have it set up.

I have been working hard on my little gnomes, I posted a picture on the last post.

I am also working on props for J.R.'s next movie.

Here is his 1st one he made for the 48 Hour Film Fest

Minus Cowboy from JP Marston on Vimeo.

My band is coming out with their 2nd full length album On/Off to be released on October 1st!

I am working on getting my very own website and business cards, so I'll let you know when that is up. I am still sketching for my next paintings and am very busy busy busy. so stay tuned!
